Frequently Asked Questions

Our goal is to complete the restoration process with minimal impacts to landowners while protecting the environment. For areas of the right of way where tree clearing, grading and other similar disturbance has occurred, we will restore the right of way as close as possible to its original contours and revegetate it in accordance with landowner agreements and agency requirements. For areas where only trees have been felled but not removed, we will leave the trees in place to avoid unnecessary environmental harm, unless otherwise requested by the landowner. For areas where pipe has been installed, we will leave the pipe in place and restore the right of way. Leaving underground utilities in place is a common practice and does not pose a risk to public safety or the environment.
We expect restoration work will begin in the first quarter of 2023 and will be completed within 9 months – in other words, by fall 2023. It will be followed by 2-3 years of post-restoration monitoring required by multiple agencies.
For properties requiring restoration work, easements will stay in place until we complete restoration and post-restoration monitoring. For properties that do not require any restoration work, we began releasing those easements in 2024 and will follow after with releasing the easements where we did complete reclamation work. Landowners will keep all the compensation they have received. If your property is currently being marketed for sale, please contact us to discuss options regarding our easement(s).
We have completed the restoration work and if you believe that there is something still outstanding to do or have any questions on the work that was done on your property please contact your land agent to discuss the situation.
We have complete our reclamation work at the meter station and compressor station sites and have already sold some of the properties. The remaining sites we own may be sold in the future.
Since the ACP’s cancellation, we have sold a significant amount of the pipe and other materials associated with the project. We will remove any remaining materials as part of the restoration activity.
No, Dominion and Duke customers will not be responsible for any costs associated with the project.